Friday, March 16, 2012
Man, that Brian Tong is so cute . . .
And in this one, you can get a glimpse of his hard washboard stomach. Man, if he brushed up against me at some crowded Mac/tech event, I think I would die of pleasure.
Check out my old Brian Tong post from two years ago in 2010. He looks just as great and is becoming a yummy studly handsome beautiful man. I'll never get enough of him!
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Daniel Minamide, Footballer
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muscular biceps accentuated by broad horizontal stripes along his beefy chest |
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understandably, handsome guys are always popular with the girls who want a piece of his fineness |
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dining out with friends |
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footballer model pose next to tree |
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another footballer model pose |
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shirtless, with nike pro underwear |
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the handsome guy is on the left. look at his beautiful torso! |
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again, his beautiful arms. looks like he just woke up from a nap or a movie where he fell asleep |
In 2009, he participated in the "Mr. Asian Sensation" beauty pageant at the Harvard Radcliffe Asian American Association
Here is a "Frog Hops with Weight Vest" video where you can see a manly Minamide squat and jump while being coached by girlfriend Taylor's Dad, "America's Most Trusted Fitness Professional," Clark Bartram. His girlfriend is filming the video, and some of it follows him from behind, so you can see his muscular butt as he frog hops along the track. The coach is entranced with Dan because he excels in the coach's specialty/interest--exercise and fitness.
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Check out the video from 0:19 when Coach Bartram gives Dan a man hug. |
Handsome Daniel's Linked In.
Interview "On The Run" after fires in the San Diego area.
Handsome Dan's MySpace
Stats and other info on Handsome Dan's Harvard Football page.
Sunday, January 1, 2012
Dean Sameshima, Artist

Wednesday, May 18, 2011
Handsome Stud, Tim Pham

According to his blog, Tim likes comedy, music, coffee, tatts, horticulture, cartoons, men, culture foodie, postmodernism, and science fiction.
Tim's protected Twitter feed, @timpham (but here's where the hot picture of him pensively sitting at a table for us to gaze at came from).
Keep on being handsome, Tim!
Saturday, January 8, 2011
Kevin Enriques, Marathon Stud

Let's toast to a 2011 filled with Handsome Asian American Guys!
(Of course, Handsome Asian American Guys are around all the time--not just at New Year's, so it's easy to be overwhelmed by their beauty and other stunning qualities!)
December 12, 2010 had Honolulu see its annual marathon. Handsome Asian American Guy, Kevin Enriques, was an especially hot contestant, bar none.
He ran 26 miles in 2 hours, 53 minutes, 58 seconds--an amazing accomplisment requiring much hard work, dedication, and training.
As he accepts his award, let's let our eyes rest on his gorgeous cheekbones and muscled forearms! His strong chest is also very clearly obvious, even under his "Runner's HI" t-shirt.
He was a member of Hawaii Pacific University's Men's Cross Country Team.
Here's some of his past race results in the HPU newspaper:
- In the Feb 2009 Great Aloha Run, Kevin placed second in his age group--very commendable!
- At the Nov 2009 NCAA (National Collegiate Athletic Association) Regionals, held in San Francisco, Kevin finished in 34 minutes, and the HPU Men's Cross Country team came in 12th place!

The orange lei heightens his masculinity and studly aura. Doesn't it make you wish you had a nice lei to give him with a big hug after he gets his post-marathon massage?

And here's another nice pic of Kevin running through misty Hawaiian hills can be found at the run808 blog.
Thanks Kevin, for being such a Handsome Asian American Guy! Keep on running!
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Cute Boys With Red Glasses

Andy Le is a sous chef at fine dining joint, Chef Mavro, in Honolulu HI.
Here is Chef Mavro's Twitter feed and blog post announcing MidWeek's article featuring Andy.
According to the article, Andy went to Saint Louis High School and the Culinary Institute of America (CIA). He always has parmesan, fish sauce (very Vietnamese--mmm!), and fresh herbs in his fridge, but is very good at relaxing and separating worktime and downtime. He likes the pizza at V Lounge (formerly Club Venus) near Ala Moana Shopping Center and the Taiwanese hot pot at Sweet Home Cafe in Moiliili. Hmm, I have an idea--we can check out these Sweet Home Cafe menu pages one, two, and three that someone kindly uploaded to Urban Spoon and imagine our handsome Andy Le perusing the same menu and then munching on their goodies! For those fortunate to visit Honolulu, they might visit Sweet Home Cafe and perhaps even run into Andy!

Vong has a comprehensive site at He grew up in Winnpeg but lives in Toronto--awesome, eh?
For more Vong candy, check out his flickr photostream, especially the "Smiling Headshots" album--man, he is so scrumptiously handsome!
Now's let's indulge and enjoy Vong's hillarious and growing comedic talent with the video that first introduced me to him--"Super Power Bottoms"
Andy and Vong are examples of guys that I'd think of as simultaneously cute and handsome. It's very fascinating to contemplate and wonder how they achieve this, but it's plainly clear there are cute guys that are handsome, and handsome guys that are cute--mmm, yummy!
Looking forward very much to tasting Andy's deliciously fine creations and seeing Vong's standup. Their handsome cuteness will only add to the experience. Andy and Vong, keep on rocking it out and being handsome for us!
Friday, September 3, 2010
Taiyo Na, Studly Handsome Singer
Taiyo's fan, "Goldn 'N' Rong" on flickr has a great picture of them after Taiyo's performance. Regarding his slight scowl, Goldn 'N' Rong apologizes and explains Taiyo's "song got my all choked up had my mean face on," a genuine statement of the strong emotions Taiyo Na evokes. By the way, check out the handsome asian american guy in the jacket behind them waving something in his right hand--he's super handsome too!

Listen to some of his music right here! I like the sound of Summertime, but Lovely to Me, a song about his struggling immigrant Mom, is especially haunting.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Brian Tong, Handsome CNET editor

Brian Tong is a handsome editor for His cnet profile page is here.
Brian has an energetic Twitter feed which informs us he'll grow sideburns like Jason Priestly and Luke Perry in celebration of the Beverly Hills 90210 televesion series from the 1990s, corresponding with September 2 (written more or less "9/02/10" in the US).
He also has a blog called "B-Teezy" which can give you a glimpse into his thinking. I love hot and handsome techno-geekazoid cuties like Brian Tong!
Now, it's very easy to find many beautiful pics of Brian online, but as I googled for images, the most interesting thing happened--google suggested "brian tong shirtless" and "brian tong hot" as related searches, showing other netizens are find Brian Tong handsome as well! This amazing revelation made me feel warm and fuzzy in a community of Brian Tong admirers! Here's a screenshot of it!

Be sure to check out his own homepage, with lots of nice images and videos. It looks like he even tried out for The Real World reality television series back in 2001!
Here's the video where I first discovered Brian--he's reviewing a Sony camera!
But you really start to get more of his comedic personality in this video, where he dances around to an iPhone app called "I am T-Pain." It's from CNETs "theapplebyte" newsmagazine on Apple Computer news, and opening has a great futuristicly-lit silhouette of Brian biting into an apple with a big crunch! CNETs description of Brian is apt, citing "his unique style." Get a taste for handsome Brian's comedy talents here!
Keep on rocking out your informative and funny vids Brian! Keep on being handsome!
Handsome Audience-Member Andrew Asks Jimmy Chen a Question on the Tyra Banks Show

I haven't gone through all the material on either site yet, but Being Gay and Asian in America had this interesting video from the Tyra Banks Show. The episode was called "Focus on Race: Interracial Dating," which when googled appears to have aired way back in 2006.
At 2:40, Tyra introduces Andrew--he's really handsome, cute, and has a beautiful voice! It looks like he's wearing a nice hoop earring on his left ear, and looks very stylish with his haircut, dark grey shirt with the first button left open and a loosely fixed brown and white striped tie. The loosely tied tie just makes us want to take off his shirt and glimpse what surely must be his juicy and scrumptious chest!
We don't learn Andrew's last name or the school where his professor asked him "why do you hate yourself?" so unfortunately for the moment, we can't learn more about this handsome asian american audience member!
I think both Andrew and his professor are a bit presumptuous in immediately asking "Why do you hate yourself" just because you have historically gone out with people from another race. In this video, both audience-member Andrew and Tyra-guest Jimmy Chen can sound a bit defensive. So I'll leave the "potato queen"/"rice queen" debates to others. Yet Andrew's existence as a Handsome Asian American Guy is what's important to document for this blog.
Andrew, if you're out there, let us know a bit more about you and what you're up to! Keep on being handsome!
Be sure to check out the show's clip so you can see and hear Handsome Andrew ask his question!
Thursday, March 11, 2010
Michael Yung, a Barista Babe !!!

Michael's beautiful side profile, next to some coffee beans in a specialty grinder at a barista competition.

Michael's beautiful eyes examining cups for cleanliness.
According to this article, Michael won the 2007 Canadian Barista Championship, held in Toronto. Here's a great blog documenting the 2007 Canada Championships. And here a article on the story. It seems to have a video as well, but I'm having trouble viewing it. I'm thinking it might only be available to viewers in Canada, so perhaps a Canadian reader can let me know if this is the case. CTV says Michael'"Yung's signature concoction consisted of fig puree, espresso and vanilla bean Chantilly cream infused with coffee"--mmmmm, sounds tremendously tasty!
And Michael got 5th place in the 2008 World Barista Championship!!! Unfortunately, it looks like there was a video of him at this event, but for some reason, it's been removed! It's too bad, because I would love to watch Michael and his beautiful hands work that hefty espresso machine and draw out shots! =)
For a quick trip into Michael's mind, check out his blog. He hasn't updated it for awhile, but he has some wonderful comments on coffee places in Vancouver and Seattle.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Ethan Chin, San Bernardino STUD

I'm so glad I tuned in, because here was the most handsome guy ever! But he wasn't onstage with Drew, he was in the audience, cheering on his wife, Jenny Chin! I could see from the quick shot his beautiful eyes and muscular forearms, and that his nametag said "Nathan."
Fortunately, blogger Bobby McBride blogged the entirety of this specific episode on his Game Show Kingdom blog! It was through his efforts I was able to find Jenny Chin's recounting of her 2009, including her Price is Right experience, on her blog at The Chinny Chin Chins. Jenny even asks her readers, " Isn't my husband so handsome," although she forgot the question mark, but it's obvious she's enamored with her husband's beauty, studliness, and handsomeness--completely natural, as I'm sure numerous others have been drawn into his handsomeness too.
Jenny links to her friend's blog, Writefully Yours, for a detailed description of their group's adventure, spending all day at the Price is Right filming. Jenny actually ended up winning the whole show and her showcase, including a new car!
Here's some pics of Jenny with her man, Handsome Ethan!

This shot of Ethan's muscular back reveals he has a tattoo on his right tricep. I wonder what it is. Well, he's handsome nonetheless.

Here's Drew Carey's wikipedia page, his twitter feed, and his blog on blogspot!
Thursday, September 24, 2009
Henry Lee
There is an interview with him at BuffRX:
Here's his myspace:
Handsome Asian American Guys in Tickling Videos

I'm searching for these tickling videos, which don't seem to be available on daily motion anymore. However screenshots still exist, which give you an idea of the hot and handsome asian american guys in the videos. Does anyone know Andrew or Dan Changster? If so, give me a shout!
Here's what the video uploader wrote to describe the videos:
"Submitted By: Anonymous on 2007-03-31
About the video: ticklishguys wrote: Andrew is a Korean American dude that's in college at UCLA in California. Dan Changster is a licensed massage therapist, but he also is a master of Korean Tickle Massage. Before Andrew actuallty receives his massage, Dan talks to him about what to expect. Andrew only has one thing that he wishes to express; he's so ticklish that he might not make it through the massage. These clips are both relaxing and funny as all hell."