Brian Tong is a handsome editor for cnet.com. His cnet profile page is here.
Brian has an energetic Twitter feed which informs us he'll grow sideburns like Jason Priestly and Luke Perry in celebration of the Beverly Hills 90210 televesion series from the 1990s, corresponding with September 2 (written more or less "9/02/10" in the US).
He also has a blog called "B-Teezy" which can give you a glimpse into his thinking. I love hot and handsome techno-geekazoid cuties like Brian Tong!
Now, it's very easy to find many beautiful pics of Brian online, but as I googled for images, the most interesting thing happened--google suggested "brian tong shirtless" and "brian tong hot" as related searches, showing other netizens are find Brian Tong handsome as well! This amazing revelation made me feel warm and fuzzy in a community of Brian Tong admirers! Here's a screenshot of it!

Be sure to check out his own homepage, with lots of nice images and videos. It looks like he even tried out for The Real World reality television series back in 2001!
Here's the video where I first discovered Brian--he's reviewing a Sony camera!
But you really start to get more of his comedic personality in this video, where he dances around to an iPhone app called "I am T-Pain." It's from CNETs "theapplebyte" newsmagazine on Apple Computer news, and opening has a great futuristicly-lit silhouette of Brian biting into an apple with a big crunch! CNETs description of Brian is apt, citing "his unique style." Get a taste for handsome Brian's comedy talents here!
Keep on rocking out your informative and funny vids Brian! Keep on being handsome!
I am back to your blog for a read.. you really have a very interesting theme for a blog
have a great day my friend..
Leon Koh
Your reader
my blog : http://hanleong.blogspot.com
Thank you for the kind words Leon! I checked out some of your blog, and you are very handsome as well, with many nice pics! Enjoy Singapore--I wanna check out the swimming pool in that new hotel with three towers and the rooftop deck connecting them!
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